Saturday, August 18, 2007
I'm Two!!!!
Hi everyone,Can you believe it I am already two! It seems like just the other day that I made my grand entrance into the world and now I am walking, talking and keeping mommy and daddy on their toes. Don't I look like a big girl?
Today, Mommy and Daddy threw me an Elmo themed party at our house. The usual people were in attendance - Grandma/Grandpa Miller, Grandma/Grandpa Osborn, Uncle Jeff and soon to be Aunt Jamie, Chris/Alethea and Mackenzie, and Great Aunt Betsy.

Mackenzie and I had a great time playing with my birthday gift from Mommy and Daddy which was a sand and water table. However, I think it was just as much fun to throw sand all of the ground. Here is a picture of us playing.

We had a nice barbeque in the back yard and finished the day with an Elmo cake that Mommy and Daddy made me. It was so neat and I really appreciated it.

Until next time....
GregOz at 8:55 PM