Brookie's Blog

Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Trick Or Treat!

My second Halloween was FUN! Grandma Miller made me my cute ladybug costume, and I got a lot of use out of it, as you can see in the pictures below.

At the MOMS club Halloween party

With Daddy at the ClubSport kids Halloween party

At Luke and Charli Gaal's Halloween Party

At Grandma and Grandpa M's on Halloween

At Grandma and Grandpa O's on Halloween

With Momma at our house on Halloween

GregOz at 10:22 PM


Monday, October 30, 2006

I have an owie.

Mommy and Daddy took me to Lucille Packard Children's Hospital at Stanford today. I had to have an MRI as a followup to the little kidney problem that I have. They had to assess if I had any scarring from my infection in March.

They put me under General Anestesia (try to spell that one without a dictionary!) . They did that so I would not be scared. Anyhow, it was not so bad. I think it was harder on Mommy and Daddy than anyone else. They were not quite themselves. Once I woke up, Mommy and Daddy walked into the recovery room, and I sat up, pointed and said 'Da Da...... Ma Ma'. (I think I saw a tear in daddy's eye... I got him wrapped around my finger already, ha ha!)

Anyhow, we find out the results this Thursday.

Here's a picture of my owie, where they put the IV in me.

-Brookie Posted by Picasa

GregOz at 6:38 PM


Saturday, October 21, 2006

Pumpkin Patch!

Mommy and Daddy took me to the Pumpkin Patch today! We went with the Bartolottos. I had a good time with the big girls, Kalea and Corrina, and we met little Cassidy too! We went to Joan's farm in Livermore. It was FUN!!

Here are a few pics:

I think I saw one that I like!

So many pumpkins, so little time!

Daddy and me.

Mommy is helping me make my final decision on a pumpkin.

There are more pics here:

-Brookie Posted by Picasa

GregOz at 9:45 PM


Thursday, October 12, 2006

I'm walkin'

So, I decided that I was getting my clothes too dirty with all this crawling. So, about a week ago I decided that I'd take my first few steps. Now, I'll get up and walk 8 or 10 steps at a time

My Momma is in Denver for a few nights for work, so Daddy and I practiced a lot of walking tonight. That way when Mommy gets back tomorrow, I can show off!

Here are a few pics that Daddy took tonight

It's time to walk!

And, while I'm at it, why not DANCE!

I miss you Mommy.
-Brookie Posted by Picasa

GregOz at 8:02 PM
