Brookie's Blog

Sunday, March 25, 2007

Spring Training Girl

Mommy Daddy and I took a road trip to Arizona last week to go to Spring Training. As my shirt says I'm a Spring Training girl!

This trip was a lot of fun. It was much better than last year, because I did not go to the hospital this time!

We met Grandma and Grandpa Miller in Scottsdale, who were already down there. We stayed at a really nice place. I even had my own room! Well, it was kind of my own room. Mommy and Daddy put my crib in the bathroom... Regardless, it was nice to have some privacy :)

On the first day, we met Uncle Jeff, Aunt Jamie, and Aunt Jamie's Dad and the rest of their family at the A's vs Angels gam. After meeting them, I can tell how Jamie turned out to be so nice. But, whoooooo doggie it was a hot one. It was 95 degrees, and our seats were in the sun. Luckily, we moved up to see Uncle Jeff and Aunt Jamie in the shade.. That was a lot nicer.

I was a little confused though. We drove 12 hours to Arizona, just to see Grandma, Grandpa, Uncle Jeff and Aunt Jamie. Couldn't we have just stayed home?!!?

Here's a pic of me at the A's game. (That's a pink A's hat on)

We also went to the Phoenix Zoo. On top of seeing Giraffes, Lions, Bears and MONKEYS, I was able to pet some goats! It was a lot of fun.

Here's Daddy and I at a ballgame. I enjoyed sitting on the lawn in the outfield much better than seats. I could run around and have some space.

I gotta admit though, that it was nice to be home. From baseball to the zoo to spending time with G&G, it was pretty overwhelming.

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GregOz at 10:23 PM
