Sunday, October 16, 2005
My visit to the Pumpkin Patch
Mommy and Daddy took me to the pumpkin patch today!
It was a lot of fun. I didn't really express my joy in the pictures which Daddy took, but, I assure you, I was just playing it cool. We bought 2 pumpkins.. a really big pumpkin (much bigger than me!) and a little small one, which is a bit more manageable for me.
Tomorrow I turn 8 weeks old, and Saturday I will celebrate my 2 month birthday. How time flies.
GregOz at 9:14 PM
Wednesday, October 12, 2005
My first football game

Mommy and Daddy took me to my first 49ers game this weekend.
Apparently this was a big game for the 49ers because their rookie Quarterback was starting his first game. Well, I saw the game, and I may be only 7 weeks old, but I did not see why they are paying that bum $52 million!
But, honestly, I don't see what the big fuss is with this football stuff. I slept through a lot of the game, even the fireworks at the beginning when they were introducing all the players!
Mostly, it just seemed like an excuse for Daddy, Uncle Jeff and their friends to drink beer and eat lots of food at 10am in the parking lot!
Here is a nice photo of Mommy Daddy and I before we went into the game:

GregOz at 1:48 PM
Saturday, October 08, 2005
Chunkey Monkey
Well, I went to the Dr. on Friday for my 6 week checkup and shots. I really didn't enjoy getting my shots, but mommy and daddy kept explaining to me that it was important for me to get them so I don't get sick when I am older. I am still not believing them, but I am not old enough yet to really voice my opinion!At all of my Dr. appt's I get weighed and measured just to see how I am growing. No wonder I have been hungry so much lately because I weighed in at a whoppin' 13lbs. I gained 4 lbs in the last 4 weeks. Mommy calls me a chunkey monkey... I guess that is a term of endearment?!?!?

Until next time.
GregOz at 3:39 PM
Thursday, October 06, 2005
Family Time!
Well, this past week was a big week for me. On Wednesday, Mommy, Grandma M, Great Grandma M and I took a road trip to meet my new cousin, Mackenzie. Mackenzie was born on September 29th so she wasn't very big yet, but I had fun meeting her and am looking forward to the holidays when we are both a little bigger and can have more fun together.
Then today, Great Grandma Zombeck and my Great Aunt Kathy flew in from Michigan so I spent the afternoon with them. I wasn't in a very good mood when they arrived, but I was finally able to get comfortable in Aunt Kathy's arms and took a nice long nap. Here is a picture of Great Grandma and I.

GregOz at 3:26 PM