Wednesday, September 27, 2006
Daddy says this is one of his favorite pictures of me... I had a bowl on my head this weekend in Tahoe, and of course he had his camera. What a wierdo.

GregOz at 3:47 PM
Monday, September 25, 2006
We just had a great weekend. Daddy took the day off on Friday (well he still worked for 4 hours.... I need to talk to him about that!). We took off in the morning, and went up to the Pearce's cabin on Lake Tahoe. I was up there in December, but I don't really remember it..Well, when we got up there, my friends Charli, Luke and Logan were there!
We had a good time playing:

It was nice up there, but a little chilly. We had a good time playing and causing a ruckus.
Here's a pic of Mommy, Daddy and I:

Then, we got up early on Sunday morning, and we drove to the 49ers game. We left Tahoe City at 7:00am, and we made it to the game at 10:15am (that includes a stop at Trader Joes!). I relly liked the football game, even though the 9ers lost. There was so much going on, it kept me entertained. I sat on Mommy and Daddy's laps the whole time without fussing! I'm such a good kid (just ask my parents!)

GregOz at 6:24 PM
Saturday, September 16, 2006
Almost there....
As you can see from this picture, I'm ready to walk. I do a good job pushing my walker around, and also, when mommy or daddy hold onto my hand. I have not quite figured out how to go all by myself yet, but I assure you that I will let you know as soon as I do!

GregOz at 7:04 PM
Wednesday, September 06, 2006
I'm famous
So, as I told you earlier, I dabbled in a little modeling for Sweet Potatoes clothing.Well, as it turns out, they liked me, they really liked me!
See if you can find me in the two galleries below.. I have 3 pictures in there.
New Potatoes Spring 2007
Sweet Potatoes Spring 2007
I'm pretty happy with the photo selection, however I think my personality really came through in other ones which were taken. But, in the modeling world, it's not about the model, it's about the clothes ;)
Anyways, I need to stop typing now, my head is getting big!
GregOz at 8:45 AM