Monday, September 26, 2005
New Friends.
So, I met some new friends this weekend up in Folsom: Charli, Logan and Luke. We had a good time playing together. Check out the picture that Daddy took of us:
It's hard to believe that in a little over 2 years, I will be the same size as Charli! Right now, I'm enjoying being small. Being small means Mommy and Daddy will hold me longer before they get tired and their backs start killing them!
Well, it's been 2 hours since I last ate, so I better start crying again so Mommy will feed me.
GregOz at 10:39 AM
Tuesday, September 20, 2005
4 weeks old!
Mommy and I went to get pictures taken yesterday to celebrate me turning 4 weeks old today!
Things are going well. I let Mommy and Daddy get some sleep every night, and I am starting to get into a routine of "eating, napping, fussing, repeat".
With all this eating I'm getting a little more pudgy than I was before. Mommy plans to bring me into the hospital to get weighed this week. I am probably over 10 lbs already!
GregOz at 11:11 AM
Friday, September 16, 2005
Artsy Fartsy
Daddy took a photoshoot with me this weekend. Except, this was not like everyone else who flashed their camera in my face the past four weeks. He wanted to get a few pictures of my FEET. Don't ask me why, but he was blabbering about 'scale' and 'depth of field' and all this other stuff that made no sense to me. As it turns out, the pictures look pretty good!

GregOz at 7:54 PM
Tuesday, September 06, 2005
2 week birthday!
Yesterday I celebrated my 2 week birthday. How time flies. It seems like just the other day the doctor was giving me a smack and I took my first breath.Mommy and Daddy gave me my first official bath this weekend:

I'm not so sure that I liked it too much. I prefer a jacuzzi tub to the hard plastic one that they put in the sink. However, beggars cannot be choosers.
On Monday, I took my first trip to Grandma and Grandpa Miller's house. We had a good time, and they spoiled me with attention.
Today was a little sad... Daddy went back to work. He assured me that he'll be home early. So, it's just Mommy and I during the day now, and she keeps us busy! Today we went on a walk, then went to Safeway, then got gas in the Tahoe.
That's a big day for a little one like me, so I think it's time for a nap.
GregOz at 1:51 PM