Sunday, August 20, 2006
I'm (Almost) One!

Grandmas and Grandpas Miller and Osborn were there, and Great Grandma Miller, and Aunt Betsy and Uncle Jeff and Jamie, and Chris and Alethia and cousin Mackenzie too!
I did not know what to think of it all at first, then I understood that I was the center of attention, and everything was all right. ;)
All the pictures documenting the day in agonizing detail are here on my photo album. But, for those of you who in a hurry, here is what went down:

After we all ate a good meal, Mommy put this thing in front of me.

I didn't quite know what to think of it at first

Then I realized cake is for EATING

I was pretty excited to have my first real taste of SUGAR!!!!

Then, I deciced I had enough.... I heard there were presents to open!
And everyone gave me great prizes. Nice clothes, books, toys, my own chair, and a rocking snail! (I'm too cool for rocking horses)
Then, I hit the wall. Coming down from that sugar high made me CRASH!
It was a great day. Mommy, Daddy and I thank everyone for making my first birthday such an unforgettable one. (Daddy says when I get older I won't remember anything prior to my 4th birthday, but I think he's full of it)

GregOz at 8:51 PM