Monday, October 30, 2006
I have an owie.
Mommy and Daddy took me to Lucille Packard Children's Hospital at Stanford today. I had to have an MRI as a followup to the little kidney problem that I have. They had to assess if I had any scarring from my infection in March.They put me under General Anestesia (try to spell that one without a dictionary!) . They did that so I would not be scared. Anyhow, it was not so bad. I think it was harder on Mommy and Daddy than anyone else. They were not quite themselves. Once I woke up, Mommy and Daddy walked into the recovery room, and I sat up, pointed and said 'Da Da...... Ma Ma'. (I think I saw a tear in daddy's eye... I got him wrapped around my finger already, ha ha!)
Anyhow, we find out the results this Thursday.

Here's a picture of my owie, where they put the IV in me.

GregOz at 6:38 PM