Friday, July 28, 2006
I'm a model!
This week Mommy took me to Sweet Potatoes, a kids' clothing company, where I "modeled" a couple outfits. Auntie Pam's friend is a clothes designer there, and they needed pictures taken of some of their new clothes. So Mommy figured that it could not hurt to bring ne down there, have me flash a smile and they can take a few pics of me in their fancy clothes.
As it turns out, it was more like mommy keeping me from crawling all over the place while they tried to snap a few pictures! Here is one picture that Auntie Pam sent us. Daddy said he really liked the lighting.... What a dork.
As it turns out, it was more like mommy keeping me from crawling all over the place while they tried to snap a few pictures! Here is one picture that Auntie Pam sent us. Daddy said he really liked the lighting.... What a dork.
I don't think this is the start of any career in baby modeling, but it was a fun thing to do on a Tuesday.

GregOz at 9:13 AM
Wednesday, July 26, 2006
Mop Top
My hair is getting a little out of control!I decided that after 11 months, I already have twice as much hair as Daddy. How does that happen!?
Here is a picture of me determining how to work this brush thing so I can get my hair a little more 'manageable'

GregOz at 3:28 PM
Saturday, July 22, 2006
Beatin' the Heat!
It showed 103 degrees on the thermometer at home yesterday, and Mommy said that today it showed 112 degrees when she was driving the Tahoe today. That's too darn hot!Well, Daddy and I cooled off last night in my new pool that Daddy set up in the backyard. I really enjoyed it. But, after 20 minutes Mommy and Daddy said I was starting to resemble a prune, so they made me get out.
Here are a couple pictures:

GregOz at 3:43 PM
Tuesday, July 18, 2006
Swim lessons
Hi again!Last week, I began swim lessons at the city pool in San Ramon. I'm having fun going with Mommy, but, yesterday, Daddy went with us so he could go in the pool with me!

Swiming is fun, but I think I'm more of a diver. I really liked jumping in the pool!
Today, at the lesson with Mommy, I even learned how to kick! We have two more lessons, so who knows what I can come up with tomorrow!
GregOz at 9:54 PM
Friday, July 07, 2006
Busy busy busy
Hi again.Less than a month between posting this time. Not bad, considering my recent track record.
I'm sure the question that you've been dying to have answered is: What's been going on Brooke's little world? Well, you are in luck, because I'm gonna tell you everything!
June 18th, Father's Day, we went to the Oakland Coliseum to see the A's vs the Dodgers. The A's won, which was great. What was not so good was I think Daddy got sunscreen in my eye, which turned into sunSCREAM for the first 3 innings, as my eye was all red, and I would not stop crying.
Here is a photo of daddy and I after the game, when I was in a better mood!

June 21st, Momma flew to Las vegas for work, for a WHOLE WEEK! It was hard, but the Grandparents and Daddy kept me entertained. One day, I went in G&G Osborn's pool! I love the water.

June 28th, Momma returned from Las Vegas. Thank goodness. It's nice to be back to normal around here. I was getting a little tired of these rookies taking care of me. I'm glad to have my All-Star Momma back!
July 1st, we went to another A's game, and I was in a much better mood, even though the A's lost.
July 2nd, we went to the Alameda Co. Fair! I had a good time. My favorite part was looking at all the animals there. The ducks and chickens were cool and I really liked the bunnies! Here's a photo of mne and a baby chicken:

July 4th, we went to the Kappuses house for a BBQ. I had a great time playing with their dog, Mia. She's so much more friendly than our cranky cats.

So, that's about it for now. I think I need to rest a little this weekend, all these activities have worn me out!!
GregOz at 10:32 AM