Wednesday, August 31, 2005
Settling In
Well, I have been home for 1 week now and am starting to get more adjusted to my new surroundings. I have had my first encounters with both cats, but I still don't really understand what they are, since both of them are bigger than me and they sure do have a lot of hair!It has been great having both Mommy and Daddy around during the day for the past week. However, Daddy goes back to work on Tuesday and then it will just be Mommy and I at home. Hopefully Mommy is ready for this because I will do my best to keep her on her toes, whether it is time to eat, play or change my diaper!

Well, I better get going it is almost time for my late evening snack! Talk to you all soon.
GregOz at 8:39 PM
Friday, August 26, 2005
I'm home!!
Wednesday, August 24 (Grandpa O's birthday), Mommy Daddy and I came home from the hospital. I finally got to see my new home, and my bedroom which I heard so much about over the past few months.
I have to say that home is much more comfy than that hospital. My favorite spot is the pink rocker in my bedroom, which Grandma M spent lots of time working on. (Also, I get fed by Mommy in that chair, which is a nice feature as well).
Even though I m 'home', I sill saw the doctor the past 2 days to make sure that I am gaining weight after I left the hospital. Today he said I put on 2 ounces!! That's great for a little 4 day old girl like me.
Anyways, I'm still settling in, getting to know these 2 walking carpets which Mom and Dad call "cats", and bonding well with my parents. I expect a few visitors this weekend, that should be fun. I'll let you know how things are going.

GregOz at 5:11 PM
Tuesday, August 23, 2005
I've been evicted!
Mommy and Daddy arrived at the hospital yesterday at 7:30am, at which point I was served my eviction notice by the nurses and doctors.
At 5:13, I finally submitted to the eviction. By way of all of mommy's pushes, I made my way out the door, and I was born!

(Aren't I cute when I cry?)
At the time of birth, I weighed 8lbs, 10oz and I was 22in long, and, thank god, I have mommy's nose. I am tall and skinny like my parents. (I think I heard daddy mentioning something about the WNBA right after I was born.)
Anyhow, I have a lot of catching up to do with my parents, so I better run. I hope to see you all soon.
GregOz at 8:45 AM
Tuesday, August 16, 2005
That's right... I'm a stubborn little one.
Well, it's August 16th... if you can do the math, that means it's 1 day past my due date! The doctor told Mommy yesterday that I'm doing fine, but I am not trying very hard to come on out. I can tell Mommy and Daddy are quite frustrated, but they need to start learning that they are parents and I am the one in control now!!The doc did tell Mommy & Daddy that they should come to the hospital on Monday the 22nd.. 7:30am, at which time he will induce labor to force me on out of there! So, it will be less than a week now... But, I assure you I will do my best to be stubborn until the end!
GregOz at 12:33 PM
Wednesday, August 10, 2005
Only 5 days until due date...
And I don't wanna come out!! We went to the Dr. yesterday and he said that while Mommy is still making progress, it's not terribly quick. Since I'm getting bigger by the day, and Mommy is not making tons of progress, the Doc wants to induce labor next week, before I get too big to be born naturally! (Like I said, I'm big-boned.)So, all signs point to Aug 18th or 19th as "the big day". The 19th is a Full Moon... I heard Daddy asking Mommy if I'm born that day, will I'll be a werewolf or something?! I think I'll have a 'special' diaper for Daddy to get back at him one day soon :)
See you all next week!
GregOz at 9:09 AM
Monday, August 01, 2005
....T-Minus 2 weeks to due date...
Well, it's exactly 2 weeks until the due date - which is just a code word for the doctor's random guess of the day that I'd be making my grand entrance. He just told mommy on Thursday that she is making progress, but I'd probably will not come anytime soon! His guess is looking pretty accurate.Well, I like to keep things interesting. I won't tell you exactly when I'll bust outta here, but I assure you that I can say hi to everyone by August 22nd. The doctor told Mommy and Daddy that he would not let me go any later than that, because he poilitely said that I am 'a large baby'. So what if I am a little big-boned?? I don't have a fighting chance - look at my parents!!!
Anyhow, here is a picture of my home for the past 9 months. It's getting quite cramped in here!

See you soon.
GregOz at 3:56 PM